Nancy Dakin started working with Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs in the fall of 2020. First as a volunteer, then as a full-time employee in December 2021. She most recently joined the Development Team in 2022 and splits her time as a dog trainer and development project administrator for Guardian Angels.
Nancy’s Motivation for Working with Guardian Angels
Nancy initially came to Guardian Angels after she was introduced to the organization by a mutual friend. She knows how dogs, especially properly trained service dogs, can make a difference in someone’s life and she was wanted to be part of this life-saving mission.
Nancy knows a service dog can help a person regain confidence and independence and provide lifesaving alerts to medical conditions. She wanted to be a part of making those things possible for other veterans. As a retired Colonel, she knew this is a way for her to continue to serve and give back to her fellow veterans with visible and invisible disabilities.
What Nancy Wants You to Know About Guardian Angels
Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs has paired hundreds of dogs all over the United States, changing and saving the lives of veterans, first responders, and their families and caregivers.
By working with these dogs, Nancy said it has reinforced how intelligent they are and how “in-tune” they are with their handler’s individual needs. “It is very rewarding to know I had a part in training a service dog for a veteran or first responder, serving those who’ve served,” Nancy said.
Mary Jo has an extensive history working with the media as well as a Bachelor of Science degree from the College of Engineering and Engineering Technology at Northern Illinois University. Mary Jo has worked for companies such as Gannett, News Bank Inc., E.W. Scripps Company, Lee Enterprises, Pulitzer, Inc., Arthur Andersen, and has been involved with Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs, Inc. since 2011. Ms. Brandt has had many hours of training in leadership, coaching, and mentoring. Her teams have consistently been highly effective in support of organizational mission and goals. She has one son, Paul who is currently in the Navy, and a daughter, Amanda in college and working full-time for a law firm in Naples. Ms. Brandt began volunteering with Guardian Angels after both her father and previous employer received a Guardian Angels Service Dog in 2011. Seeing the incredible difference service dogs could make in the lives of their recipients, she became involved through volunteering her time & talent to Guardian Angels. Ms. Brandt was then asked to join the Board of Directors and has served as a Board Member since 2013. Recently, Mary Jo has been named as a 2021 Patriot Scholarship recipient from Colorado Technical University. When asked why this scholarship and completing her Master’s Degree in Business Administration was so important to her, she responded, “This scholarship represents how important education is to our military/veterans and their families. I am honored to be part of this unique community. I am already in a career that demonstrates my commitment to helping others, I expect finishing this degree will allow me to be much more effective in my pursuit of working with our Veterans. This scholarship isn’t just about me. It is about how I can help others.” Today we face an even bigger challenge that none of us saw coming during the midst of the pandemic and worldwide economic collapse beginning to unfold. Yet again, Mary Jo is stepping up to the plate to be sure that our organization continues to serve those that need us, as we triumph in the face of untold adversity of today’s world. Businesses will only survive these difficult times because of leaders like Mary Jo.
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