Wren Guardian Angels Dog Trainer

Wren San Clemente has been a trainer at Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs for a year, but her passion for training animals has been a part of her life since she was young.

Following in her mother’s footsteps, who trained dogs and even had dogs that performed in theater productions like Annie, Wren began taking dog training more seriously by the age of 16. Not only did she train dogs, but she also worked with horses.

As a military brat whose father was a fighter pilot in the Air Force, Wren worked with special forces teams on Eglin Air Force base in Florida. She trained them to work with horses and formed a friendship with a soldier in the security forces when she was 17. By age 18, Wren got her first Belgian Malinois, Cairo, whom she began to train.

Although Cairo was not trained for service work initially, Wren allowed Cairo to accompany her friend from Eglin Air Force Base home on a trip. When she saw the connection between Cairo and her friend—who was dealing with PTSD symptoms and other stresses—she decided to allow him to adopt Cairo. The bond between them ultimately led to an improvement in his overall quality of life. Cairo passed away in 2021.

Wren could see what Cairo had done for her friend, motivating her to apply for a position with Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs. “I had just been training dogs to train dogs at this point, and I realized I could help people doing it,” said Wren. Her career in training animals has always focused on the military, making the Guardian Angels Medical Service Dog team a natural fit.

“Working at Guardian Angels has given me the opportunity to meet many men and women who have touched me personally in many different ways,” Wren said.

Wren San Clemente is an inspiring example of how dedication and hard work can help animals impact people’s lives—not only through companionship but also through medical assistance—and serve as great sources of comfort and healing.

To learn more about the Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs team and how you can support our life-changing mission, visit our website today!

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