These very special dogs help to give people back their self-confidence and independence. We are so often told how vulnerable a disabled person feels in a crowd or maneuvering in a large public area such as an airport. With their loyal and highly trained service dog at their side, recipients often report the ease of once-again facing public spaces.
Our Service Dogs have the power to change and save lives. Each dog is trained to match the exacting needs of their Veteran, first-responder, or civilian recipient, and deliver a beautiful #NewNormal that restores dignity, freedom and independence. Join us in Unleashing the Power to Heal.
Until you live it, you don’t know what these dogs can do! Since having Tilly, I’ve been everywhere and it’s amazing what I can do now!
If these powerful stories have moved you, and you’d like to join our team in saving and changing lives for the better, consider becoming part of our Alliance as a critical part of unleashing the Power to Heal.
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