MAK Technologies is proud to participate alongside the National Guard Association of Michigan in its “54 service dogs by 2024” campaign to support our nation’s veterans by providing them with service dogs.
MAK has committed to raising $50,000 for two highly-trained service dogs – one for a veteran in need in Massachusetts, and another for a veteran in need in Florida, reflecting the locations of our two corporate headquarters. Any donations raised beyond the initial $50,000 will go toward the training of another service dog.
The Dogs for Vets and 54 by 24 Campaign will run through August of 2024 – we will host fundraising events all along the way, but please donate anytime!
Service dogs save lives, and every donation gets us closer to helping save a life.
Our first major event will be the Dogs Fore! Vets event.
To register for our Dogs Fore! Vets fundraiser visit MAK Technologies
When: Monday, February 16, 2023
Where: Top Golf Orlando
9295 Universal Blvd.,
Orlando, FL
The first annual Dogs fore! Vets TopGolf Fundraiser will take place in Orlando, Fl during the week of SISO’s 2023 Simulation Innovation Workshop (SIW) in hopes that the modeling and simulation community will come together to support our veterans. Features of the event include:
• Access to high tech golf bays • Best in class instruction and bay assistance from trained Top golf instructors • Competitions elevated by live tournament leaderboards • Complimentary food buffet and drink tickets per guest